Social: Enjoy Cocktails Amid The Wildlife At 'Do At The Zoo'

  On Monday we celebrated Earth Day by taking in and reflecting on the beautiful tropical landscape we are so fortunate to be able to live within. It motivated us to find ways to give back, so we are especially excited to participate in the Palm Beach Zoo’s upcoming ‘Do at the Zoo’ event! GrabContinue Reading

Categories: charity | cocktails | culture | events | social media

Style: Alene Too's Debbie Weisman Talks Style, Travel And Charity

Shop travel essentials here:Oversized Tote/Scarf to Accessorize/Nude Lipgloss/Skin Product/Great Sunnies We recently sat down with Debbie Weisman, Partner and Co-founder of the four successful Alene Too boutiques and online shop, to pick her stylish, charitable and on-the-go brain. She is a doll and had lots of fab tips to share: 1. What is your favorite spot in PalmContinue Reading

Categories: alenetoo | beach | charity | clothing | fashion | favorite finds | shop | sponsor | style

Social: Junior League And Virginia Philip Wine Pairing Party!

The non-profit volunteer based organization, Junior League of the Palm Beaches, is pairing up with Someone’s in the Kitchen Catering and The Virginia Philip Wine Shop & Academy tomorrow from 6 to 8 pm to invite you to sip, swirl and savor the flavors of their “Worth Tasting” cookbook and enjoy a wine tasting all in the nameContinue Reading

Categories: charity | community | events | junior league of the palm beaches | wine